About House of Prayer
Music is an integral part of our worship, providing a mix of traditional hymns found in the new Evangelical Lutheran Book of Worship and more contemporary Christian music. Our service music includes the pipe organ, a hand bell choir, and various small musical ensembles. We offer opportunities for Christian education for all ages. Our youth activities have included regular meetings, bible study, fundraisers, special activities such as ball games, retreats, camping opportunities, and much more. Our Children's Ministry Team keeps our young people challenged with outreach opportunities and theological growth.
House of Prayer is proud to be a founding faith organization of Interfaith Community Services (ICS), a premier community service organization in North County San Diego. Our contributions include clothing, food, and monetary donations as well as time and talent offerings. Volunteers from House of Prayer regularly prepare sack lunches and serve meals along with other volunteers for hundreds of community members in need. We also participate with the organization, Escondido Together, which is an Inter-faith group of faith leaders who coordinate community events and worship services together for the benefit of the community.
In addition to the many service and education activities, we are also active with fellowship activities. Coffee and fellowship are offered each Sunday after worship service. We have held Family game and movie nights, picnics at the church and the local parks, adult drop-ins, potlucks, and special dinners affiliated with our Lenten programs.
We also celebrate the diverse cultures present at House of Prayer. We regularly hold bilingual services for Pentecost and some other special holidays. We also have an annual fiesta in September to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month. Some other multicultural activities have included: an Altar for the Day of the Dead, Three Kings Day Celebrations, A Tamale Meal for the Day of Candelaria, Posadas, and a Via Crucis.
House of Prayer Lutheran Church, is affiliated with the Pacifica Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Music is an integral part of our worship, providing a mix of traditional hymns found in the new Evangelical Lutheran Book of Worship and more contemporary Christian music. Our service music includes the pipe organ, a hand bell choir, and various small musical ensembles. We offer opportunities for Christian education for all ages. Our youth activities have included regular meetings, bible study, fundraisers, special activities such as ball games, retreats, camping opportunities, and much more. Our Children's Ministry Team keeps our young people challenged with outreach opportunities and theological growth.
House of Prayer is proud to be a founding faith organization of Interfaith Community Services (ICS), a premier community service organization in North County San Diego. Our contributions include clothing, food, and monetary donations as well as time and talent offerings. Volunteers from House of Prayer regularly prepare sack lunches and serve meals along with other volunteers for hundreds of community members in need. We also participate with the organization, Escondido Together, which is an Inter-faith group of faith leaders who coordinate community events and worship services together for the benefit of the community.
In addition to the many service and education activities, we are also active with fellowship activities. Coffee and fellowship are offered each Sunday after worship service. We have held Family game and movie nights, picnics at the church and the local parks, adult drop-ins, potlucks, and special dinners affiliated with our Lenten programs.
We also celebrate the diverse cultures present at House of Prayer. We regularly hold bilingual services for Pentecost and some other special holidays. We also have an annual fiesta in September to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month. Some other multicultural activities have included: an Altar for the Day of the Dead, Three Kings Day Celebrations, A Tamale Meal for the Day of Candelaria, Posadas, and a Via Crucis.
House of Prayer Lutheran Church, is affiliated with the Pacifica Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).